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4 Things with Amy Brown

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Amy's Weird Bet with Her College Boyfriend (5th Thing)


29 minutes | Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Careful planning that ensures a consistently good mood = curating anticipatory joy. Kat is all about this, but Amy is a proud type B and isn't trying to control or plan out her fun/joy. Anticipatory joy is so important to Kat's well-being that she plans her life in such a way that she almost always has something to look forward to!! Are you like Kat or like Amy?? Speaking of planning things, Kat is working on her bachelorette party and Amy is feeling her "Coastal Grandma" theme. They want it to be cool and a good time, but also not be out late, as that would result in exhaustion upon return...
31 minutes | Saturday, May 20, 2023
OUTWEIGH: For the first (near) 30 years of my life, my relationship with food had 2 'modes'.   ✔️ On -OR-  ❌ Off   There was no middle ground for me.  I was either walking around day-in, day-out as:    👮‍♀️ My Inner Food Police: 🚨   Micromanaging every morsel of food I ate or thought about eating. Controlling myself, restricting myself, punishing myself, and persuading myself not to eat certain things because they were "bad" or "not healthy". Obsession. Harsh judgments. All that shame, blame, guilt, comparison, and perfectionism...    -OR-   🍨 🍕My Inner Rebel (See also: Inner Glutton!) 🍩🍔  ...
27 minutes | Thursday, May 18, 2023
If you want to stop taking things personally, work on your limiting beliefs, avoid mosquitos, improve your self-tanner game and/or meditation, Amy is covering it all this week. In the FIRST THING she has a homework assignment that her friend Leanne Ellington gave her to rewire her brain. You’re going to want to try this exercise if you’d like to move past any limiting beliefs. For the SECOND THING Amy goes over a list of things she often gets questions about (like her favorite self-tanner) and things she’s loving right now (like her new Abercrombie coated black jeans). This is all stuff Amy...
3 minutes | Tuesday, May 16, 2023
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34 minutes | Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Today's quote is from Annie Gottlier: "When some things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for the many things that are going right." Amy pulled this from the '4 Things Gratitude Journal' along with this one from Jessica Honniger: "What if all you ever wanted is what you have right now? Gratitude is the byproduct of contentment." Both quotes are so good...Jessica's got Amy thinking about contentment and what that really means. Her favorite definition of it is: peaceful satisfaction!!! However, she did NOT have peaceful satisfaction the other day when she found out how much it was going ...
25 minutes | Saturday, May 13, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Have you ever gone to start a new plan or program, and on the surface you're gung- ho -- ready to take it by the reins, deeply committed, and hoping (praying!) that this time really IS different -- that this will be the 'the thing' that changes everything for you...   ...but secretly in the back of your mind, you're WAITING for it to fail?   Perhaps you're even outright EXPECTING it to fail, because you know in your heart-of-hearts that even though the plan or the program itself might be different.... know deep down that YOU haven't changed -- that you haven't gotten your...
31 minutes | Thursday, May 11, 2023
FIRST THING: Have you ever just sat and stared your partner or a friend in the eyes? You might end up trying it out after listening to this episode. Affection in a relationship with a partner or a friend (or even a pet!) might mean trying new things like the "slow blink" method to connect. It also might require conversations or research because not everyone shows affection in the same ways. We all need affection. Giving it, as well as receiving it, helps us feel good!   SECOND THING: Do you feel misunderstood on text at times? Amy had a communication mishap over text this week and she reali...
24 minutes | Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Two ducks showed up in Amy's backyard and she thinks it's a sign. Kat isn't so sure about it though...she thinks Amy needs to call animal control. Amy tries to convince her by sharing the meaning of seeing ducks, as it totally matches her life right now: "Two ducks are also generally seen as symbols of new beginnings or change. This is because they have the ability to adapt to new environments easily and quickly. They are also known for being able to find food and shelter in even the harshest conditions. As such, they can be seen as a reminder that no matter what challenges we face in life,...
21 minutes | Saturday, May 6, 2023
OUTWEIGH: I believe that I can tell a lot about a woman's emotional health based on how much time she spends on social media. I know that might sound a little bit weird, but social media has a bigger impact on your mind, brain, self-esteem, and self-image than you might think.   And THAT is the elephant in the room that I bring up on today’s podcast: Facebook and Instagram and other forms of social media (if you allow it) can be used as powerful tools to connect, share parts of your life, and keep your finger on the pulse of the lives of people that matter to you. But if you're not careful,...
46 minutes | Thursday, May 4, 2023
Do you have a designated friend to burn your journals if anything should ever happen to you so that nobody can read your deepest thoughts? Amy's talking with Laura Tremaine about her latest book The Life Council: 10 Friends Every Woman Needs that offers a new way to think about friendship. Laura shares from her personal experiences and inspires us to be better friends, make new friends, and appreciate the many different types of friendships in our lives. Amy & Laura talk about the 'Empty Chair Friend,' the 'Yes Friend,' the 'Password Friend,' the 'Business Bestie,' mastermind groups (could ...
21 minutes | Tuesday, May 2, 2023
What is one thing you wish you had learned earlier in life? Amy & Kat go over a whole list of things and share multiple quotes for you to keep in your back pocket when it comes to evolving/changing: "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change" -Albert Einstein "The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude" -Oprah Winfrey "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." -Leo Tolstoy   HOSTS: // @RadioAmy @Kat.Defatta // @YouNeedTherapyPodcast   Send questions/comments for the ...
17 minutes | Saturday, April 29, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Do you struggle with binge eating, mindless eating, stress eating, or overeating in general?   Does it ever feel like food or sugar has a magnetic pull over you when you’re bored, sad, lonely, or stressed?   Have you ever wondered: “Am I addicted to sugar?”   If you’ve ever felt out-of-control when it comes to food and sugar, then this episode is for you!    We will cover:   How you’re not really weak-willed, a self-sabotager, or a sugar addict – even if you THINK you are.  Why and how your brain got ‘fired and wired’ to reach for sugar, and what your brain is REALLY telling you....
38 minutes | Thursday, April 27, 2023
Going old school today with 4 totally different things! If you're going to enjoy the FIRST THING, where Amy breaks down the 'Pomodoro Technique' so you can give it a try the next time you catch yourself putting something off. Remember: “The dread of doing a task uses up more time and energy than doing the task itself.” — Rita Emmett Think you have adult ADHD? The SECOND THING is for you, but it also turned into a PSA to do your breast exams, be your own advocate & be as proactive as possible with your health.  THIRD THING is a blog post (You Are Worthy) from a listener n...
31 minutes | Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Language (in your head & out loud) is powerful, but did you know that your behavior is just as important? Yep, put those two things together and they can be quite the little team when it comes to how you want to show up and your successes in life. Henry Ford's famous quote kicks off a lot of what Amy & Kat talk about in this episode: 'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.' Now, take that quote (the "think you can" part since we are talking positively here) a step further by throwing in behavior and start acting like you're already who you want to be and everythin...
15 minutes | Saturday, April 22, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Amy’s guest for the next 3 weeks is Crystal Lunenschloss (MS, RDN, LDN, CEDRD). Crystal became a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian to help people reconnect and heal their relationship with food and their bodies. In this episode, Crystal helps us understand how body image is more about our brains than what we look like and she gives us a few things we can do to immediately combat negative body image thoughts, so our brain can rewire to a more neutral/positive state! They also talk about how eating disorder behaviors are just as common in men as they are in women.    Fo...
20 minutes | Thursday, April 20, 2023
Amy’s sister, Cristi Dozier, just got a new necklace with a buffalo on it and she learned from someone she works with that buffalos turn into a snow storm rather than drifting with the wind because they instinctively know that walking into the storm will get them out of the weather quicker. So next time you are faced with a challenge, whether it be a situation at work or a difficult conversation you need to have with someone, ‘Be the Buffalo’ and avoid procrastination. Go directly toward the obstacle. Take it head on.  Amy also shares what she did today to change her mood when it turned neg...
40 minutes | Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Double standards are everywhere!! Amy & Kat talk about a long list of things that are socially acceptable for a man to do, but frowned upon when a woman does it! For example: "being dedicated to your work and, as a result, missing time with your kids" or "not wanting to have children because clearly that means you're wasting your life." Don't even get us started on "dad bods vs mom bods" and "women being the primary breadwinner!" Hope you enjoy this topic and feel encouraged to ditch any deep rooted double standards that might be buried in the back of your brain that you didn't even realize...
15 minutes | Saturday, April 15, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Exercise is a well-known way to get endorphins. That was made clear to a lot of us back in 2001 when Reese Witherspoon, playing Ell Woods, gave us this classic line in Legally Blonde: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't.” However, exercise it's not the ONLY way to release endorphins. When Amy first started true recovery 3 years ago…she had to put a halt to a lot of her working out because she didn't really know how to enjoy it and do it for the good of her body. Her reasons for working out were go...
28 minutes | Thursday, April 13, 2023
Amy's dad passed away 2 years ago this month, so it got her thinking about what caused his health to really go downhill. She truly believes some of it was due in part to lack of connection with others. He was isolated because of the pandemic and that impacted his health tremendously. Amy shares this to set up a little chat she had with Dr. Mark Hyman about connection & community because he says those who are connected to others live longer + have better health + less stress. In addition to encouraging connection & community, Dr. Hyman shares a few other ways to help manage stress (i.e. cold...
32 minutes | Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Kat shares how Big P proposed, Amy makes sure Kat's ceremony isn't going to be super long in case she has to pee & Kat explains WHY she's giving Amy a plus-one even though Amy says she doesn't need it. Bladder & don't hover while you pee clip is from @thepelvicdancefloor. Click link below for full video:!! Pro-Tip: Get married during the "off-season" + on a Friday = saving so much money!!! Kat shares some things she's learned the last couple of weeks about being engaged and planning a wedding! WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR KAT! They also talk about side hus...
16 minutes | Saturday, April 8, 2023
OUTWEIGH: How many times have you felt guilty before or after you ate something? Saying things to yourself like: "I shouldn't have..." or "Should I compensate after eating this...” That inner voice that beats us up before we eat and makes us feel guilty afterward is our worst enemy. Amy shares some ways to calm yourself down when food guilt pops up and stresses you out:  - Something easy that you can do anytime, 4 rounds of the 4, 7, 8 deep breathing technique - Put on your favorite song….and sing along!!!!- Take a cold shower!!!- Practice the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding techni...
38 minutes | Thursday, April 6, 2023
We all want to declutter and organize our lives, but we can't do that without first talking about our buying and acquiring habits. Why do we shop and overbuy? What are clutter magnets? Where do we start when it comes to getting rid of things? Our expert guest, Tracy McCubbin, answers all of these questions and more. Absolutely loved chatting with Tracy and especially enjoyed doing '4 Things Gratitude' with her! The 4 things she's thankful for are so good (i.e. she impromptu shared some dating tips after revealing that she just got married for the first time in her 50s to a man she met on Bu...
20 minutes | Tuesday, April 4, 2023
It was so fun having listeners in the same room to tape this bonus episode!! Cryo Kat shares some quotes and then Amy & Kat answer a couple of questions from listeners: Shawn wants to know how to step outside his comfort zone to leave his career, and start his own company and create something he's actually passionate about. Ashley asks how to navigate unworthiness even though she's independent and self-sufficient, in relation to building a family and currently in a stable career. Shout out to VIP sponsors: Biopelle Tensage Intensive Serum 40 (use code: Amy20 for discount on this snail secre...
12 minutes | Saturday, April 1, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Leanne Ellington says there are 5 ingredients of self-imaging: Self Acceptance Self Care Self Esteem Self Worth Self Endorsement   Amy shares some questions that she got from Leanne that you can ask yourself surrounding all 5 of these ingredients that make up how you see yourself! Answering the questions will help you understand what kind of goggles you have on because "what you see is who you be", and you are worthy of being the BEST version of yourself possible. The great news can get a NEW pair of goggles if need can rewire your brain!
1 hour 29 minutes | Thursday, March 30, 2023
What if you could cut through the noise in your brain, quiet the voices of doubt, unworthiness, or "not enoughness" & truly change the game for yourself? Amy’s hope for anyone listening to this is that you can finally start living the full & beautiful life that you deserve!! The LIVE shows from Nashville were truly so special & being in person was such an amazing'll feel it through your headphones!   FIRST THING: You are not crazy in feeling unworthy & you are not alone - with self-image scientist, @LeanneEllington    SECOND THING: There are tools that can help you on this jour...
23 minutes | Tuesday, March 28, 2023
It was so fun having listeners in the same room to tape this bonus episode!! Cryo Kat shares some quotes and then Amy & Kat answer a couple of questions from listeners: Vanessa wants to know how to find her worth outside of a career title and Hannah asks about handling ADHD without medication.  The 7pm 5th Thing LIVE will load next Tuesday!  Shout out to VIP sponsors: Biopelle Tensage Intensive Serum 40 (use code: Amy20 for discount on this snail secretion growth factor that Amy is obsessed with):  Zo Skin Health (each person go...
23 minutes | Saturday, March 25, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Certified eating disorder coach Kristie Amadio is our guest today. After 14 years of battling her eating disorder and seeking treatment in both Australia and New Zealand—where she was told she was ‘chronic’ and should expect to struggle with food and body image issues for the rest of her life—Kristie flew to America for intensive treatment and made a full recovery. Kristie was stunned by the gap and unequal access to support and resources both here and overseas, so she resolved to make cost effective support available to everyone, no matter where they lived. By working online and ...
43 minutes | Thursday, March 23, 2023
Amy and her cousin, Amanda, sat down on her bed to talk about all kinds of things with you:  -Amy’s crazy dog ate her vision board & all of Amanda’s vitamins (including melatonin) -The super cute Zara suits that you need (in white, pink or orange!) -Calm gummies & Cleanse More (good sleep & good elimination) -Falafel (shout out CAVA) -Judy the Angel (divine moments when Amanda’s mom was passing) -Stachira & Stevenson (kids really do listen to us)-Soul Sessions (Amanda’s new podcast COMING SOON!!)-Dear Edward (new show on Apple+ that they just started watching)-Process not perfection breads ...
41 minutes | Tuesday, March 21, 2023
“Can we stop screwing around and just frost the whole pop tart? We have the technology!” This is a quote that Amy feels at her core. However, Kat, brings a more serious quote about seeking peace for yourself instead of trying to change others!!! Deep! Then Amy & Kat chat about all kinds of things from hiding important documents in the freezer, to end of life thoughts about being so difficult to please, to cheering on our people, to Amy’s dad putting bourbon in her bottle, what Amy is supposed to call her in-laws now that she’s no longer going to be married, because they will always be in he...
14 minutes | Saturday, March 18, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Amy sat down to chat with Leanne Ellington about the 'why behind the what' of our 'animal brain'!   Best places to find more about Amy: + @RadioAmy To contact Amy about Outweigh: hello@outweighpodcast.comSee for privacy information.
Amy's Weird Bet with Her College Boyfriend (5th Thing)
4 Things with Amy Brown

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