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4 Things with Amy Brown

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Dipping My Toes Into Christianity


44 minutes | Tuesday, September 12, 2023
In this episode, Leanne reflects on a pivotal moment when she found herself in the office of Pastor Kevin Queen and handed him an envelope with $500, not knowing exactly what it was for, but sparking intrigue and curiosity in her spiritual journey. She shares her reservations about Christianity and her initial hesitations to fully embrace it.The episode highlights her struggle with complex spiritual concepts and the discovery of a transformative book, "Let Your Spirit Guide Speak." A serendipitous find of the book at a Goodwill store reinforces her sense of progress. She discusses her spiri...
35 minutes | Tuesday, September 12, 2023
In this next episode Leanne takes you on an unexpected and deeply personal journey of spiritual discovery. She shares a bit about her upbringing, and what caused her to feel a yearning for something more, leading her to explore her own spiritual path. She emphasizes the importance of embracing one's unique journey and adapting language to fit your own personal experiences and beliefs.Throughout the episode, Leanne explores the diverse paths to faith, drawing from her experiences working with clients from various backgrounds who grapple with their relationship with their own connection with ...
25 minutes | Tuesday, September 12, 2023
In the debut episode of the "What's God Got To Do With It" podcast, host Leanne Ellington takes listeners on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. Leanne begins by sharing her background as a bacon-loving Jew with a Jewish heritage, where Judaism was more of a cultural 'thing' in her life, but NOT a connection to God. She candidly discusses her lifelong struggles with food, body image, and toxic shame, tracing her introduction to weight watchers at just 8 years old and her ongoing battle with depression and anxiety. Despite losing nearly 100 pounds, Leanne reveals ...
18 minutes | Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Reminder: You are not responsible for how others feel or react. Just because someone's feelings are hurt, doesn’t necessarily mean you did anything wrong! It’s important to check-in with yourself: Did you say something unkind and need to apologize for that? Or is this person just upset because they didn’t get the answer they were hoping for? Today's quote obviously inspired this discussion: “We are not responsible for how others feel or react.” (from a @YouNeedTherapyPodcast post about a recent "couch talks" episode) OTHER THINGS DISCUSSED: -Codependency -People pleasing (when you people pl...
30 minutes | Saturday, September 9, 2023
OUTWEIGH: One of the biggest myths out there in the Women’s Health ‘world’ is this idea that you should get ‘good’ at trying to CONTROL yourself.    I can’t even tell you how many women I speak with that WISH that they simply had more willpower or discipline or perseverance to feel 'in control',  and that if they could just figure out how to make THOSE things show up for them, all would be well, and the problem would be solved.   I used to think the SAME THING about my own struggles with my weight and my own inability to stick with whatever the ‘diet of the month’ I promised myself I would ...
20 minutes | Thursday, September 7, 2023
The first words out of Ben's mouth are: "It's only awkward if you make it awkward" after Amy shares that 1 of the 4 things she's thankful for (during '4 Things Gratitude') is her co-parenting relationship with Ben and being able to celebrate his birthday as a family because some may find it odd that they get along so well, or awkward that they would record a podcast together, but nothing about this is awkward and the only goal is to potentially help others in a similar situation. The purpose of today's episode is to let listeners know that they will be recording a co-parenting Q&A (with que...
33 minutes | Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Today's quote: "Some people hold you down and some people HOLD you down" immediately reminded Amy & Kat of a quote that has similar vibes: "You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you." (such a good one - they both are!) THINGS DISCUSSED: -The time Amy threatened Steve Harvey on Family Feud -Amy's dry mouth update & hormones  -You can die from drinking too much water? -Full body scans that could save your life -Amy's echocardiogram  -"Clear is kind, unclear is unkind" -The healthiest food in the world (adding to grocery list asap)  -Amy's Rent-to-Own mis...
30 minutes | Monday, September 4, 2023
PART 1 of 4: Are you feeling stuck or battling self-doubt? Do you want to take ownership of your life by taking ownership of your thoughts? If yes and yes, then "Acting As If" is for you! Amy Brown & Self-Image Scientist Leanne Ellington designed this 4-part series to help you shift your thoughts, so that “Acting As If” becomes possible for your brain to adopt. In each episode, you get effective strategies to break free from the grip of negativity & gain insights on nurturing an "emotionally healthy" brain. In PART 1 you learn:👉Why "Acting As If" is not a matter of positive affirmations or ...
23 minutes | Monday, September 4, 2023
PART 2 of 4: Ever wonder why your thoughts and feelings don't sync up? Amy & Leanne share a fresh-yet-totally-doable approach that will help you reclaim the reins of confusing thoughts in our head…so that stepping into WHO YOU WANT TO BE actually becomes possible! In PART 2 you learn:👉Why it's not your CIRCUMSTANCES that dictate your reality, it's your THOUGHTS, and how every single thought CAUSES a feeling-- not the other way around.👉Why your Self Image knows how you really feel, so before you can "act as if" or "believe a new reality", it's got to FEEL good, FEEL true, and resonate.👉How t...
25 minutes | Monday, September 4, 2023
PART 3 of 4: In this episode you will discover the truth about beliefs & change with Amy as Leanne shatters myths, revealing the powerful role of genuine belief in transforming your life.In PART 3 you learn:👉How your CURRENT Self-Image & Beliefs unconsciously undermine what you truly want.👉Why "You can’t kid a kidder" (Why you cannot "B.S." your self-image)👉Positive vs negative neuro-associations -- and how to make your Self Image beliefs (what they refer to as) "neuromagic"👉How to do "A Beliefs Overhaul" (The 3 Steps that you can wash, rinse, repeat)All the resources mentioned in this epis...
28 minutes | Monday, September 4, 2023
PART 4 of 4: If you're tired of the 'say-do' gap, this episode will help bridge the divide and you'll see that you can achieve results by working smarter, not harder. The final part to break free from negativity and help you nurture an "emotionally healthy" brain is the doing and you're awesome for making it to the homestretch!  In PART 4 you learn:👉How to play a "winning game" (And STOP playing a "losing game")👉Minimums, not maximums (and how this is also part of neuro-magic)👉How to "Reverse Engineer" your life.👉Now you can truly “act as if.”All the resources mentioned in this episode can ...
16 minutes | Saturday, September 2, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Can you be happy and satisfied and feel like you've 'arrived'....AND still desire to do more, be more, have more, create more (and be absolutely unapologetic about it!)?  We absolutely think so! And that's why we are here to talk about this very important distinction.  These things do NOT have to cancel eachother out or stay mutually exclusive. But...there are some very important distinctions that you want to keep in mind--- especially since there are a lot of mixed messages out there about this topic.     Amy & Leanne are back again for the EIGHTH episode of the Mini-Series Two T...
42 minutes | Thursday, August 31, 2023
Amy and her cousin, Amanda Rieger Green, just got back from a restorative getaway trip! It was good for the soul in so many ways: laughter, meaningful conversation, time in nature, Lifetime movies, good food, time to EXHALE & more...   A quote from Rumi that came up on their trip that will change the way you think: “It's your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”   In other words, if you don't find the courage to go after what you want in life, you'll never get it. Amanda is personally working through this as we speak!    OTHER THINGS DISCUSSED...
8 minutes | Thursday, August 31, 2023
This bonus episode is special!! Amy's cousin, Amanda Rieger Green, is leading you (& Amy!) through a 5-min guided meditation that will help you open up and make space for all of the amazing things in your day. Try to do this meditation 7 days in a row and then see if you can keep going after that! It will be a game changer if you can commit!    Listen. Enjoy. Like. Subscribe. All the things. And most importantly, have the day you need to have!  HOST:Amy Brown // // @RadioAmyGUEST:Amanda Rieger Green, MPH // // @soulpathology Listen to the Soul Sessions podcast...
5 minutes | Thursday, August 31, 2023
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28 minutes | Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Today’s quote: “Power of empathy: I’m in it with you. I’m not here to fix you. I’m not here to feel it for you. I’m here to feel with you and let you know you’re not alone.” -Brene Brown    Amy reads a few listener emails: one about connection & sharing things, one about a co-worker conflict, and another about evolving (which FYI: if you’re not evolving, you're dead!)   Kat gives us something to keep in mind when it comes to what we share publicly (like on social media or other platforms): “There is this culture that our whole lives can be exposed if we want them to be.” (Sometimes just sha...
2 minutes | Monday, August 28, 2023
Amy Brown is on a never-ending journey of self-discovery – always looking for different perspectives on health, life, and transformation!    This new mini-series will tackle the concept of “Acting As If” – learning to believe the things you WANT to believe and reclaim the reins of the confusing thoughts that can sometimes takeover your mind.    If you're feeling stuck, battling self-doubt, or simply want to take ownership of your life by taking ownership of your thoughts , "Acting As If" is just for you:   How to stop the downward spiraling thoughts from ruling your life Why your thoughts ...
14 minutes | Saturday, August 26, 2023
OUTWEIGH:'s true! Even the most confident, self-assured, empowered women can revisit old thought patterns.. This does NOT have to mean anything, it does NOT mean that you have backslid or regressed, and in fact, it's totally normal. What matters most is how you RESPOND (instead of react) to those thoughts. And that's why on this episode of Outweigh, we share some very important distinctions that you'll want to keep in mind around this subject specifically.    Amy & Leanne are back again for the SEVENTH episode of the Mini-Series Two Things Can Be True At The Same Time (Normalizing...
43 minutes | Thursday, August 24, 2023
After searching for someone to be Amy's right hand for the podcast, she found someone who was literally "waiting for her call." In this episode you meet Haley D & if her story (after a string of no's) doesn't give you hope that there's a yes around the corner...well...we don't know what will. Haley D. has a very interesting life & we look forward to getting to know more about her. THINGS DISCUSSED WITH HALEY D: -If you're getting no after no right now...let her story be hope for you -BravoCon & her theory on Andy + John Mayer -American Idol (she tried out for it 10 years ago & made it to Ho...
28 minutes | Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Have you heard of PMDD? Amy was diagnosed with it in college and took Zoloft for it. This came up because last week on Thursday’s 4 Things episode Danae Hays talked about being put on Zoloft at 11-years-old. When Amy got on it in college it totally changed her personality (for the 2 weeks out of the month that she was supposed to take it), so she didn’t end up taking it too long. Should we be able to take off of work during our time of the month (IF WE NEED TO) without consequences? TODAY’S QUOTE:“Confidence is 10 percent hard work and 90 percent delusion. I firmly believe that the number o...
17 minutes | Saturday, August 19, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Yes.... you heard that correctly. Your life can be amazing, you can be living in gratitude, experiencing joy...AND you can also be coincidingly be going through some sort of mental, emotional, or spiritual [breakdown/breakthrough/existential crisis].   These things do NOT have to cancel eachother out or stay mutually exclusive. But...there are some very important distinctions that you want to keep in mind to make sure that you are leading yourself in the direction of health, freedom, and healing while you navigate this wide array of emotions..    Amy & Leanne are back for the SIXT...
33 minutes | Thursday, August 17, 2023
Amy’s guest today is the multi-talented content creator, influencer, singer-songwriter, comedian and TikTok star Danae Hays! Danae talks about her journey from softball player at Alabama to social media star to now recording a Country comedy album and developing her own 'one-woman show' with the various characters she's created over the years.Growing up in Alabama, Danae had a passion for comedy – creating her own Saturday Night Live skits as a kid and being fascinated by video & editing. During the pandemic, she used that creative spirit to launch a TikTok filled with different characters ...
39 minutes | Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Just because you’ve been in therapy for 15 years (or however long) and you still go doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or that it’s not working. Some people seem to think that there is a final destination when it comes to personal growth and that’s just not the case. This topic came up because of today's quote: “Debating if I should continue my healing journey or go insane?” (this made us Lol because it most definitely hits home for some days!)   Does Amy have some weird disease?? Amy has an underlying issue that is causing her mouth to be really dry. If anyone has any idea what this ...
18 minutes | Saturday, August 12, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Amy and Leanne are back again sharing Two Things that can ABSOLUTELY be true at the same time: You can be self-endorsed and uber-confident.... AND still care what other people think of you (or fear judgment).   These things do NOT have to cancel each other out or stay mutually exclusive. But...there are some very important distinctions that you want to keep in mind--- especially since there are a lot of messages out there telling you that you "shouldn't" care what other people think about you.   Here at Outweigh, we love to give a different perspective, and that's why Amy & Leanne...
30 minutes | Thursday, August 10, 2023
FIRST THING: Amy shares her stressful mammogram call back appointment that led to an ultrasound and a very emotional 2-hours at the doctor. Ultimately her story is about facing your fears and doing what you need to do to take care of yourself!! For the next three things, Amy gives you a look into three of the shows on her podcast network!SECOND THING: Kat DeFatta gives important advice to a listener asking how to survive your job when you hate it.THIRD THING: Amanda Rieger Green does a reading for iHeartRadio’s Emily Curl which touches on worthiness – do you ever ask yourself “am I enough”?...
25 minutes | Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Amy and Kat talk about birds, but specifically Cardinals, and how they would do if it was the end of the world. Kat gives the deets about the new hair extension product she wants to try. Do checks expire? Amy may have forgot to check her mailbox at work, and there was a very important piece of mail waiting for her…possibly for too long? Watch out!! Internet scams are everywhere, and Kat found out the hard way.  HOSTS:Amy Brown // // @RadioAmy Kat Defatta // @Kat.Defatta // @YouNeedTherapyPodcast // YouNeedTherapyPodcast.comSee for privacy information.
27 minutes | Saturday, August 5, 2023
OUTWEIGH: We are back with our final follow-up to a topic that Amy and Leanne talked about a few weeks ago: How to have BOTH: a healthy relationship with food and your body AND begin to work towards the goals that are important to you (aka getting stronger, fitter, etc).    In that episode, Amy and Leanne explained that you absolutely can go set goals for yourself, but they invite you to take a sabbatical from typical goal-setting and “go-getting” and go heal your relationship with food and your body FIRST and rewire your brain….and then with THAT new brain and that NEW relationship with fo...
43 minutes | Thursday, August 3, 2023
Have you gone through a break-up, loss of a loved one, or anything in life that’s overwhelming? Amy’s guest and dear friend, Laura Lea Bryant, shares her process of healing from a divorce and other breakups and we are so thankful for her wisdom! Drawing upon her decade in the wellness industry and exploration into the science of grief, Laura Lea began cooking her way through the fog and created her newest cookbook, Recipes for an Aching Heart, which also includes lifestyle and fitness choices that aided her on her journey out of heartache. We love that Laura Lea chose ‘Aching’, not ‘broken....
30 minutes | Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Do you try to hold it together when what you really need is to fall apart? Kat showed up to Amy’s house in tears and she almost didn’t allow herself to show up that way. And that’s where today’s quote from Ally Fallon comes into play: “Things that want to hold together hold together. Things that want to fall apart fall apart.”    What is something that you thought was weird that only you dealt with, but later you found out you’re not alone and others deal with it too? Amy & Kat share some of their things and their face shaving tips!   There has been some controversy around the Barbie movie,...
29 minutes | Saturday, July 29, 2023
OUTWEIGH: Have you ever heard of the concept of “Reversing”? It's something that is such a powerful tool for healing, but it is very rarely talked about. If you’ve ever wondered how to repair the physiological repercussions of living with disordered eating or an eating disorder, you don't want to miss this episode. Health and fitness expert Holly Baxter is back on Outweigh to talk about the healing powers of "Reversing". You’ll learn exactly what it is, why you should know about it, and how it can truly help you heal mentally, physically, metabolically, and beyond.    CONTENT WARNING: Here ...
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Dipping My Toes Into Christianity
4 Things with Amy Brown

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